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The Ministry of Motherhood 1: 10 Spiritual Lessons I Have Learned Through My Children
The Ministry of Motherhood 1: 10 Spiritual Lessons I Have Learned Through My Children

The Ministry of Motherhood 1: 10 Spiritual Lessons I Have Learned Through My Children

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The Ministry of Motherhood 1:10 Spiritual Lessons I Have Learned Through My Children is a 10 day devotional written for mothers in all stages of life, but especially those with little ones at home. 

The author shares stories of lessons that she has learned about God through her motherhood journey.

When one thinks of a ministry usually it is from the perspective on how to pour into others. In this book, the author shares a little of how her journey through motherhood has also ministered to 

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Matthew 7:11 KJV

The Ministry of Motherhood 1: 10 Spiritual Lessons I Have Learned Through My Children